Category Archives: Spain

NAPLE Assembly 2014. Presentations (XI)

Today, you can read the Spanish presentation at NAPLE Assembly: the strategic lines related with public libraries and the projects carried out by the Spanish Subdirectorate of Library Coordination.

Spanish update. NAPLE 2014

NAPLE E-Book Working Group Meeting 2014. Presentations (II)

Today, you can read an overview of the E-Book Lending at the Spanish Libraries, yet to be implemented.

Learn more about the design of the project and the development of the platform through this presentation:

E-Book Lending at the Spanish Libraries

The Economic and Social Value of Libraries

FESABID, the Spain’s Federation of Archive, Library, Documentation and Museum Science Associations has published the translation into English of their interesting study about the impact that information services, and in particular libraries, have on the economy and society. What’s the value of libraries to users and non-users? And the return on investment? Find the answer to these questions and more in this study:

 The Economic and Social Value of Information Services. Libraries

General Meeting of the Spanish Council for Library Cooperation

A year ago we posted the 1st Strategic Plan of the Spanish Council for Library Cooperation approving the definition of the three strategic lines and nine general objectives to be developed from 2013 to 2015. Today, the Council for Library Cooperation is celebrating its yearly meeting in Toledo, where there will be presentations and debates around topics like e-Reading in public libraries, Copyright  Management, the new regulation  about Electronic Legal Deposit, the results of projects about Information Literacy and the Model for Municipal  Reading Plans, and  others.

Libraries: their social and economic value

 The contribution of the libraries and the library services to society in social and economic terms is often unnoticed though it is, indeed, very important. Last week FESABID, the Spanish Federation of Societies of Archivist, Librarians, Documentalist and Museology presented the study “The Economic and Social Value of the Information Services: Libraries”. The results are a very complete guide of the use and value of libraries nowadays, based on complex user studies and interviews.

The study has been coordinated by FESABID and is part of the activities included in the Strategic Plan of the Council for Library Cooperation.

 The study is available at FESABID (in Spanish only) by clicking on the image. Or, you can download it from this link:


Spanish Library Day

Today Spain will be celebrating the Library Day, created in 1997 by  the  Spanish Association of Friends of Children and Young Adults Books with the sponsor of the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. 

Each year a different Spanish region is selected to hold a celebration event, and an author and an illustrator from that region are selected to make the promotional poster. This year it has been celebrated in collaboration with the Castilla y León Government, and the illustration is from Andrés Rábago, El Roto, while the text of Laura Gallego.

The events will take place in Segovia, you can check the full programme here.

Poster Library Day

Three-way partnership involving public libraries in Spain

 The 5th Conference on Library and Municipality took place last 1st October. This year’s edition was dedicated to the presentation of good practises on collaboration of public and school libraries.

 This Conference aims to highlight and promote the establishment of agreements between public libraries and political authorities on a local basis; this year, the experiences presented involved yet a third party, school libraries. These projects involving three key institutions (political authorities, schools and libraries) have revealed quite fruitful in relation with the costs of implementation, showing that transversal cooperation is one of the ways of tackling the budget cuts our libraries are suffering throughout Europe.

 You can check the experiences and presentations at (in Spanish)

Librarians Make #biblioteca Trending Topic Worlwide On Twitter

Librarians from all over the world got the hashtag #biblioteca to be trending topic worldwide on Twitter last 12 August 2013. Read here the timeline of #biblioteca.

This was the 5th edition of the so called “Día de la #biblioteca en Twitter” (Libraries Day on Twitter) which was first celebrated in 2009, after Spanish librarian Natalia Arroyo wondered how many tweets it would take for a hashtag to become a trending topic.

After that a group of Spanish and Spanish-speaking librarians active on Twitter decided to try to make #biblioteca trending topic at 16.00 on that 10 August 2009. Since then, four other editions have followed, each time with more and more participation but this has been the first year where #biblioteca has become a trending topic worldwide.

At 11.47 Central European Time on 12th August 2013, #biblioteca became a trending topic in Spain for the first time of the day. The highest activity has been registered, as foreseen, at 16.00. During the whole day, there have been a total of 30,913 tweets with #biblioteca. Find more data here and here.



Julián Marquina

Professional Profiles in Libraries

The Working Group on Professional Profiles is part of the Spanish Council of Library Cooperation. They have published the Report “Professional Profiles in the Spanish Library System: Characterization Sheets”, fruit of two years of work. It may be very useful for libraries that need to define their staff needs or start a selection process.

 You can find the document in this link (in Spanish)

Spanish Council for Library Cooperation. Strategic Plan 2013-2015

Last 14th February, the Council for Library Cooperation approved their 1st Strategic Plan defining the three strategic lines and nine general objectives to be developed from 2013 to 2015.

The Plan has been prepared by all the members working in the different areas of the Council and other library experts following a participative methodology aimed to gather all the information needed.

The Plan has also achieved the goal of evaluating the five first years of the Council, where for the first time every library typology is being represented (national, public, university, school and special libraries) in the same forum for sharing projects and disseminating their activities. Every document fruit of the work of these Council bodies is available at the Council’s web page. Some examples are the “Reference Frame of School Libraries”, “Report of Background of Spanish University Libraries in 2010”, “Guidelines for Cataloguing of Written Music”, “Towards Information Literacy in the Spanish Public Libraries”, “Best Practises in Multicultural Libraries”, “Social Web and Libraries”, “Professional Profiles at the Spanish Library System”, etc.

Click here and check the Strategic Plan of the Spanish Council of Library Cooperation [in Spanish]

STRATEGIC LINE 1: Promoting and Development of Libraries in Society


 1.1. Enhancing the perception of libraries’ usefulness in the society.

1.2 Promoting attractive services which will have social impact.

1.3  Making  users participate in training, so they can be more proactive.


1. Study on economic impact of libraries in society.

 STRATEGIC LINE 2: Sustainability of Library Services in the New Informational and Social Environment


 2.1. Promoting  prospective studies  about the libraries in the new economic, social and digital environment.

2.2.  Promoting the cooperation and partnership between libraries and other social agents for the optimization of resources.

2.3 Facilitate the development and access of digital services and digital preservation.

2.4  Promoting the evolution of competences of the library professionals with training adapted to the different profiles.


 2. Prospective study of the library in the new informational and social environment.

3. Opening of a dialog between the relevant sectors for defining a sustainable model of E-books lending in libraries.

 STRATEGIC LINE 3: Evolution of the Operation of the Council


 3.1. Adapting the role and operation of the bodies of the Council to the new challenges.

3.2. Enhancing the monitoring, evaluation and communication of the Council for Library Cooperation (CCB) and its activities.


 4. Development of a report of a CCB Operating Manual

5. CCB Communication Plan, both internal and external