Supportive library: the Biblioteca Quitapesares project

The Murcia Regional Library @brmu has launched a food collection campaign along with two organizations: Cáritas and the Red Cross. In this cooperation project, the library will dismiss the fine for the delays in bringing back materials of the library if the user has provided food to the food banks of these organizations

The campaign is called Biblioteca Quitapesares, something like “sorrows-remover Library” and it’s motto is: We remove your sorrows and you remove others’s

It’s being a successful initiative: not only libraries of the Murcia Library Network have joined in, but libraries in other regions like Jaén, Galicia and Valencia.

You can check all the details at their blog.

One response to “Supportive library: the Biblioteca Quitapesares project

  1. Pingback: Libraries Removing Sorrows: Biblioteca Quitapesares Project, Spain | NAPLE SISTER LIBRARIES

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